Monday, September 22, 2014

Firenze High Points

Carmen met two of her major goals for coming to Italy today. She ate a tripe sandwich from a cart in the street and then had truffle slices over a poached egg in the central market. Let's start with the tripe: messy but delicious,  I got it on my shirt. They call it lampredotto and the bread was soaked in a little extra broth and some salsa verde. The poached egg had an deep orange yolk and the clerk poured olive oil all over it before serving.
Afterwards Carmen was in a delirious state and I gently led her into two churches so I could view the Massacio's and Giotto's. Usually she protests but she was triped out. Here's one of my favorite places in Florence, the Medici Chapel by Michaelangelo. It's Dawn and Dusk, or Day and Night, I can never remember which.

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